訪問連結 : https://youtu.be/McIPmxV16sI 多謝香港匯豐銀行HSBC今次訪問。傳𠄘唔一定係金錢財產,可以喺一些無形而值得保存嘅價值,例如品牌故事、家族經營生意思維、對材料產品嘅堅持和對顧客真誠態度,龜苓元坊 承接三代中藥草本涼茶智慧,加入我們自己新嘅元素'孕育和轉化成為不同嘅產品,推廣比不同地方和客戶,將這份價值,傳𠄘下去。 Thank you HSBC life for featuring us in this issue on legacy. Passing on a legacy is not just always about money but also about intangible assets, like the know how, principles, recipes etc. We are grateful to be inspired by 3 generations of herbal knowledge, family culture and wisdom. It’s not easy to change things that are traditional and successful. But passing down a legacy doesn’t mean doing exactly the way it has been done, we can always transform and nurture it into something better, more modern and relevant to today’s need. As a custodian of this intangible asset, our job is to unfold the true value of the legacy and encourage the next generation...
好興奮!龜苓元坊「美人茶系」花草茶現已在香港「設計廊」正式上架! 我哋堅持100%香港製造香港品牌!大家多多支持😊😍🇭🇰 除咗扮靚💄,養生都係都市女性嘅重要課題。 本地品牌龜苓元坊係祖傳三代嘅涼茶舖,以自身多年嘅經驗,以優質草本作為原材料,推出花草茶🌹🌿🍵. 🍋檸檬石斛花: 美白駐顏,提升心情 🍊香橙黑糖乾薑: 舒緩月事不適 🌹黑杞子玫瑰桂圓: 亮眼抗衰老 🔴杞子紅棗桂圓: 美顏補血氣 🌺洛神花山楂石斛花: 消脂抗衰老 🍐雪梨無花果麥冬桔梗: 潤膚養聲 We are very pleased to announce that our whole range of herbal tea are now available at HKTDC Design Gallery, proud to be one of the selected Hong Kong local brands, we continue to thrive for excellence in our quality, designs and services. Thank you HKTDC for providing such a spot on platform for us to reach out for potential business partners and to showcase our brand. Please pay us a visit at the Hong Kong Convention Centre and support Hong Kong made products! 龜苓元坊: 美人茶系 Beauty Tea: 天然花草 養顏養心 https://youtu.be/HhPaumyNlNU #養生不怕早#要對自己好啲#功效因人而異只作參考#有唔明最好問下醫師先 #hongkong #madeinhongkong HKTDC香港貿發局 hktdc.comSourcing #support #hkdesign #DesignGallery #香港設計 #hongkong #香港 #養生 #花草茶...